Mohs Reconstruction Surgery in Dothan, AL

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About Reconstructive Surgery

While treatment of your skin cancer is your primary concern, reconstruction of the target area is also important. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Justin Martin offers post-Mohs reconstructive surgery for beautiful, natural-looking results. Dr. Martin utilizes local flaps and skin grafts to address specific areas on the face where cancer has been excised, such as the nose, ears, lips, forehead, and eyelids. Typically, once all the skin cancer is removed, Dr. Martin will work with your Mohs surgeon to coordinate the reconstructive procedure. If you plan on having Mohs surgery and desire a seamless look, call Martin Plastic Surgery in Dothan, AL to schedule a consultation today. Dr. Martin will be happy to sit down with you to determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure.

Ideal Candidates

Post-Mohs reconstructive surgery is for anyone who has already undergone a Mohs surgery or who is planning on having Mohs surgery to remove skin cancer. The overall goal of reconstructive surgery is to attain an optimal cosmetic result. If you are considering this procedure, you will need to undergo a thorough consultation with Dr. Martin to determine if you are an ideal candidate. During this time, Dr. Martin will also coordinate with your Mohs surgeon to discuss your condition. Your safety and comfort is our top priority.

Surgical Technique

Once the affected area is determined cancer-free, Dr. Martin will go over all your options for reconstruction. The method used will depend on the size, location, and depth of the removed skin cancer/tumor. Typically, Dr. Martin will use one of the following approaches:

  • Local flaps – This is the most common technique used for post skin cancer facial reconstructive surgery. It utilizes the surrounding tissue to address the affected area(s). In some cases, this is performed in two stages. First, the flap is created and repositioned, and then it's separated from its original location and blood supply.
  • Skin grafts – For this method, healthy tissue is taken from another area of the body, such as the thighs and transplanted to the recipient site to correct damaged skin. Typically, a patient's own skin is used, but in some cases, animal skin or synthetic tissue may be an option.
  • Tissue expanders – Generally, this is only used in very rare cases but involves placing an expandable balloon-like device in the injured area to grow more tissue to cover the wound site.

What to Expect

After surgery, you will be closely monitored and given detailed aftercare instructions to follow at home. Post-Mohs reconstructive surgery is usually completed on an outpatient basis, with patients able to drive themselves home later. Even though the treated site will be bandaged, it's likely you can resume regular activities the following day. This rules out any strenuous exercise or significant tasks for up to two weeks.

With any cosmetic surgery, it's important to have realistic expectations. In some cases, post-Mohs reconstructive surgery will need to be done in two stages, especially if the flap method is used. Reconstructive surgeries that use other methods may also require a secondary procedure to attain desired results. It's important to talk to Dr. Martin about all your questions and concerns during your initial consultation to understand the reconstruction process before moving forward.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?
Post-Mohs reconstructive surgery may be covered by your insurance. Our office will contact your provider to determine your coverage benefits and if you will have any out-of-pocket costs. We accept many payment options and will help you find medical financing to make your procedure affordable.

Is it painful?
Since anesthesia is used, most patients experience little pain during surgery but may feel mild discomfort. After surgery, most patients experience minimal pain so medication usually isn’t required. If there’s pain associated with the surgery, Dr. Martin will normally advise an over-the-counter painkiller.

Will I have a scar?
Scarring will differ based upon the technique used and your specific case. Patients with larger treatment areas or complex cases are more likely to have a scar. However, Dr. Martin will do all he can to minimize scarring as much as possible. Once you have healed, he may recommend scar revision surgery to help diminish the appearance of scarring even further.  

Will I need more than one treatment?
Every patient case is different and presents its own unique needs. During your initial consultation, Dr. Martin will discuss the likelihood of you needing multiple treatments. There are some patients who may require a second surgery to attain optimal cosmetic results.

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Post-op Follow-up  
two weeks
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Seek Superior Care

When considering reconstructive surgery, it's imperative to do thorough research and locate a trained plastic surgeon who's a good match for your expectations and needs. Success rates of this process are directly connected to a physician's ability and expertise. To find out more about the experience, training, and success rates of Dr. Martin, call Martin Plastic Surgery today to schedule an appointment.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.